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Sam van Aken

"Moments that interrupt and transform the common sense of a practice, exposing it to new ideas." --Francois Lyotard

"Yabba Dabba Do" -- Fred Flintstone

In this area of technological discovery, we live in an environment where it's become increasingly difficult to separate the physical and virtual worlds. Actual events blur with those experienced through the media, creating a schizophrenia that confuses fantasy with reality, the simulated with the natural, and the profound with the absurd. Drawing on such diverse elements as pop culture and phenomenology my multimedia investigations are an attempt at understanding the randomness, coincidence, and chance that we've come to know as everyday life.

To see the work of Sam van Aken please see: Brightcove: Sam van Aken


Becoming: 01:15:39:22, mulit-media installation, Colby College Museum of Art, 2005
Becoming: 01:15:39:22, mulit-media installation, Colby College Museum of Art, 2005

Becoming:  Video Stills/Performance,  Colby Colleg Museum of Art, 2005
Becoming: Video Stills/Performance, Colby Colleg Museum of Art, 2005

oh my god, Installation, Institute of Contemporary Art, Maine College of Art, 2006
oh my god, Installation, Institute of Contemporary Art, Maine College of Art, 2006

Second Nature, Installation, Auckland Art Museum, 2001
Second Nature, Installation, Auckland Art Museum, 2001

Hybrids, Installation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2004
Hybrids, Installation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2004

The Multiple Deaths of Willem Dafoe, Installation, The Center for Maine Contemporary Art, 2003
The Multiple Deaths of Willem Dafoe, Installation, The Center for Maine Contemporary Art, 2003

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